Monday, 1 November 2021

Week 42 - The Build

 Last week saw the impotant work on installing the dashboard cheek pieces. This week sees the installation of the rear speakers and the marine instruments. 

The rear speakers are from the donor Fiesta and fit behind the holes in the cockpit sides.

and its the same the other side. They'll get covered by the upholstery later. There doesn't seem a saensible place to put the original front speakers and so some smaller ones are on order which will fit. A photo will follow!

I have a NASA instruments echo sounder and log combined into a single instrument that will measure the water depth and boat speed when in the water. The echo sounder transducer is mounted in a tube bonded onto the inside of the hull at the back of the cockpit.

Here it is snuggled in behind the bilge pump. The space between the bottom of the transducer the the hull will be filled with oil.

The speed transducer requires a hole to be drilled through the hull. Not something I'm massively keen on in principle but its that ot no speed transducer. 

Well, thats the hole drilled ...

... and the tube fitted ...

... and with the paddle wheel transducer. Next is the display unit. I decided to mount this on top of the dashboard, partly as this gives easy access for all the cables and power supply. I made a bracket out of 4mm ply and covered it in the same van liner as the dashboard cheeks. The power comes off the ignition switch. I installed a switch to turn the display on or indeed off. Here is a quick view of it working.

 ... and here mounted in its bracket that is velcro'd to the dashboard. Cover on and cover off.

Next week its more small stuff, but I'm thinking its needs a bit of a road test to get the engine up to temperature and test the brakes fairly soon.

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Week 57 - The Test

 Got all the paperwork off to register it as a car now to test it as a boat!! Here are a couple of videos and some photos of it in action......