Friday, 16 July 2021

Week 34 - The Build

 Here I am back again. Nearly a month since my last post. I've been away on my proper boat for awhile but came back to make tremendous progress on the project.

From the last post it can be seen that I'd trial fitted the belts, pulleys, clutch and shaft to drive the water jet. 

It was with some concern that the kit vendor now does not sell the kit that I bought, but only sells the hull with the major mechanical components already fitted as its too difficult for the likes of me! Bit of a worry, so most of this weekhas been spent in lining everything up so it worlks without the belts flying off or the clutch not engaging. To line up the pulleys I used a bit of steel bar. The predrilled holes for the drive shaft bearings seemed to be a bit in the wrong place and so were enlarged as required. 

So starting off with the belt from the pto to the drive shaft...

This is with the engine running at 4000rpm. Proper noisy, but nothing fell off!

Any way, and to cut to the chase here it is all assembled (aprt from the Mole grips) and in action.

and its all operated from this lever next to the handbrake 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog sounds very familiar, I built one of these 3 years ago, keep at it it's well worth it in the end, I've covered about 8000 miles and countless hours in the water in mine, I don't think you'll be disappointed, good luck


Week 57 - The Test

 Got all the paperwork off to register it as a car now to test it as a boat!! Here are a couple of videos and some photos of it in action......