Sunday, 28 March 2021

Week 25 - The Build

 Lots of bits put on last week so two main jobs before the wheels go on and it becomes driveable for the first time. First job is to install the cooling system but before that I need to bleed the hydraulics for the clutch and brakes.

There are three ways to bleed the system; 1) The traditional method of a two man operation - one of the pedal and the other at the other end. I can't do that as I'm only one man! 2) To use pressure to force fluid through the syste. Thats good as I have a kit for doing that;

 The white cap fits on the master cylinder reservoir and the black tube fits only the valve of an inflated tyre. Brilliant - except that while it fits only a Ford Sierra master cylinder it doesn't fit this Ford Fiesta.

3) To suck the fluid through the system using a vacuum pump at each corner. 

and here is the kit for doing that. Perfect.

Disapointing results as all I can suck through is a mixture on 95% air and 5% fluid with the brakes but all fluid on the clutch. Went and checked all the connections which seemed OK - except for the pipes from the master cylinder to the ABS unit. Definitely a leak here and on close examination it looks as if both the nuts are cross threaded. Wow, I thought, that seems a bit casual. Anyway the unit will have to come out for repair or replacement.

 Here it isn't !

and here it is

As I thought the two feed pipe threads are knackered. A replacement is enroute! Going to have to repaint some of the fo'castle as brake fluid is a better paint stripper than paint stripper.

Better news about the cooling system. A modification to the cooling system, apart from the radiator being offset, is the incorporation of a loop of stainless pipe running under the hull. This connects between the engine and the top of the radiator. 

Here is how it will look;

and the radiator

So, next weeks jobs are the same as last weeks!

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Week 57 - The Test

 Got all the paperwork off to register it as a car now to test it as a boat!! Here are a couple of videos and some photos of it in action......