Busy week this week!
First job was to fit a new clutch. Pretty staightforward with a clutch alighnment tool. I've also replaced the concentric release bearing.Not encountered one of these before but it a release bearing with the hydraulic cylinder andpipes built in.
Here is the CRB - the integral hydraulic pipes at a 2 o'clock leading to the outside of the bellhousing.
New clutch fitted with the old one dumped on the floor.
While I was there I reconnected the gearbox.
You can see the PTO pulley resting on the axle stand in the right of the photo. The rubber gloves protect the air inlet and an electical connection socket to the main loom.
Also this week I've started preparing the dashboard for installation.Three jobs here. 1) cut off the air con pipes. Shame really as I had hoped to get the air con back in action. In reality iot would be a monster job with very little benefit. Anyway its now all but impossible!
Job2) is to drill some holes on the front edge of the dashboard and the last job is to attached a couple of brackets at either side.
For a start this is the back of the dashboard with the air con pipes cut off together with a lump of bracket.
Time also to look at the driveshafts. These were supplied to Tim complete and returned dismantled but with the through hull seals fitted.
Laid out they look like this;
I'm sure they'll go back in fine, but probably not as they came out!!