So, here we are the the first week of the build is over! The fun began last week with the unloading of the hull onto its dolly. A fairly straightforward job with a forklift and up to a point it was. The interesting bit was when the hull, now safely on the dolly, was pushed just a few yards into the unit. It basically started falling to bits! It is supposed to be adjustable and so it has sections held together with bolts with handscrew tops. The problem is that they cant be done up tight enough to stop it changing shape.
This is what the dolly looks like. You can see the black plastic tops to the bolts!
Anyway, having got the hull into the workshop the next job was to jack it up onto axle stands, rebuild the dolly and lower it back down.
Next on the list is to give the inside a good clean and then paint it with an oil based paint. The best choice would have been boat bilge paint but I'm using garage floor paint as its a fraction of the price.
Three photos of the cockpit on arrival, after emptying out and after painting.